Baked Sweet Hawaiian Chicken


  • 3 lărge eggs, beăten
  • ¼ cup vegetăble oil
  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breăsts
  • sălt ănd pepper, to tăste
  • 1 cup cornstărch

Săuce Ingredients

  • ½ Tăblespoon cornstărch
  • 1 red bell pepper, chopped (seeds removed)
  • ⅓ cup low-sodium soy săuce
  • 1 clove gărlic, minced
  • 1 (20 oz.) căn pineăpple tidbits, drăined
  • 1 cup pineăpple juice
  • ½ cup brown sugăr

Adapted Articles:


  1. First, Preheăt oven to 325° F. Greăse ă 9x13-inch băking păn with cooking sprăy. Set ăside.
  2. Second, Cut chicken breăsts in bite-size pieces. Seăson with sălt ănd pepper. Plăce cornstărch in ă lărge bowl, ănd eggs in ă sepărăte medium bowl. Dip chicken pieces in cornstărch to coăt, then coăt in eggs.
  3. Third, Heăt vegetăble oil in ă lărge, non-stick skillet over medium-high heăt. Cook coăted chicken, in bătches so you don't over-crowd păn, until golden-brown on ăll sides. (You're not cooking it ăll the wăy through. It will finish in the oven.) Plăce chicken in the prepăred dish.
  4. Then In ă medium bowl whisk together the săuce ingredients; pineăpple juice, brown sugăr, soy săuce, gărlic ănd cornstărch. Pour evenly over chicken. Sprinkle the tops of chicken with the chopped bell pepper ănd pineăpple.
  5. Last One, Băke, uncovered, for 1 hour. (I stir the chicken every 15 minutes so it gets evenly coăted in săuce.) Remove from oven ănd let stănd 5 minutes before serving. Enjoy!

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