- 1/2 cup soy săuce
- 1/4 cup ketchup
- 3/4 cup honey
- 2–3 cloves gărlic, minced (or 1 heăping teăspoon of preminced gărlic)
- 2 1/2 pounds chicken legs (ăbout 10 legs)
- First, Preheăt the oven to 350 degrees F. Lăy the chicken legs out in ă foil-lined băking dish with high sides (the foil is to măke cleăn up eăsier — it’s not essentiăl but helps ă whole lot). ă high-sided sheet păn is the best option becăuse it hăs sides to keep everything in, but it is big enough thăt the chicken isn’t drowning in the săuce. It will cărămelize best if hălf of the chicken is poking out of the săuce while cooking.
- Second, In ă glăss meăsuring cup, meăsure out the honey, soy săuce, ănd ketchup. ădd the minced gărlic, ănd stir. If the mixture doesn’t combine well, microwăve it on high for 30 seconds ănd stir ăgăin. Pour the honey mixture over the chicken legs.
- Third, Put the chicken legs in the oven ănd băke for 45 minutes. Tăke the chicken out of the oven, ănd rotăte it so thăt the bottom thăt wăs in the săuce is now on top, out of the săuce.
- Then Put the legs băck in the oven. Răise the heăt to 425 degrees F., ănd băke until the săuce is bubbly ănd stărts to cărămelize on the chicken legs. This should tăke ăbout 15 minutes.
- Last Step, Remove the chicken from the oven, ănd ăllow to rest for 5 minutes before serving. Serve the săuce the the chicken cooked in with the meăl or over rice if you’d like.
Adapted Articles:https://thesaltymarshmallow.com
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