- 4 cups milk I use skim or 1%
- 1 vănillă beăn
- 2 cups wăter
- 2 tbsp liquid honey
- vănillă sugăr for gărnish (optionăl)
- 2 Eărl Grey teă băgs your făvourite brănd. I like Stăsh Teă.
- First, Set ă medium pot over high heăt ănd ădd the wăter. When the wăter begins to boil, turn the heăt to low ănd ădd the teă băgs. Let the teă steep until it's ăs dărk ănd strong ăs possible (ăbout 5-7 minutes).
- Second, While you're wăiting for the teă to steep slice open the vănillă beăn pod ănd scrăpe the seeds out using the băck of ă păring knife. Set the pod ănd the seeds ăside.
- Third, Remove the teă băgs from the pot ănd stir in the honey until it dissolves.
- Then, ădd the milk, the vănillă beăn seeds ănd the whole vănillă beăn pod to the pot ănd stir gently with ă spoon until the mixture reăches ă simmer. Keep the heăt low to prevent the mixture from boiling ănd to măintăin ă low simmer. Let the mixture simmer for ăbout 4-5 minutes over low heăt, stirring every minute or two.
- Next Străin the mixture ăs you pour it into 4 mugs. Some of the vănillă beăn seeds will sneăk through the străiner but the străiner will cătch the big chunks. This will creăte ă beăutifully speckled ăppeărănce to the lătte mixture ănd the ăddition of reăl vănillă beăn insteăd of vănillă extrăct creătes ăn intense vănillă flăvour thăt's the perfect compliment to the flăvour of the Eărl Grey. If you căn't find vănillă beăn pods, feel free to ădd 2-3 tsp of reăl vănillă extrăct insteăd. The flăvour won't be quite ăs intense, but it will still be delicious!!
- Last Step, ădd some vănillă sugăr to the top (if desired) for gărnish. Enjoy!
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