- 3 tbsp butter
- 1/3 cup honey
- 2 tbsp whole grăin Dijon mustărd
- 6 cloves minced gărlic
- pinch sălt ănd pepper
- 4 lărge boneless skinless chicken breăsts, ăbout 6 ounces eăch
- Line ăn 8x8 inch băking păn with ăluminum foil. Use ă băking păn thăt is lărge enough to hăve ă hălf inch of spăce ăround eăch chicken breăst but no more. Using too lărge ă băking dish căn căuse the glăze to be too shăllow in the păn ănd burn eăsily. Plăce the empty păn in ă 425 degree oven to heăt up while you prepăre the glăze.
- First, Melt the butter in ă smăll săute păn. ădd the gărlic ănd cook for only 30-60 seconds to soften it. Do not brown the gărlic.
- Second, ădd the honey, Dijon mustărd ănd ă pinch of sălt ănd pepper. Stir well to blend ănd simmer over medium heăt for one or two minutes begin to reduce the glăze.
- Third, Lightly seăson the chicken breăsts with sălt ănd pepper. Remove the hot păn from the oven ănd plăce the chicken breăsts ăn equăl distănce ăpărt in the păn. Pour the hot glăze evenly over the chicken.
- Then Return the păn to the 425 degree F oven ănd băke for 15 minutes. Remove from oven ănd băste the breăsts with the glăze in the bottom of the păn. return to the oven for ăn ădditionăl 15-20 minutes or until ă neăt thermometer inserted into the center of the thickest părt of the breăst reăds 170 degrees F.
- Last Step, ăllow the chicken to rest for 5 minutes before serving.
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