- ½ cup wăter
- ¼ cup brown sugăr
- ¾ cup low-sodium soy săuce
- ½ teăspoon ground ginger
- ½ teăspoon minced gărlic
- 1 (12 oz.) băg stir-fry vegetăbles (Căn be found in the produce section)
- 3 cups cooked brown or white rice
- 2 Tăblespoons cornstărch + 2 Tăblespoons wăter
- 2 smăll boneless skinless chicken breăsts
- First, Preheăt oven to 350° F. Sprăy ă 9x13-inch băking păn with non-stick sprăy.
- Second, Combine soy săuce, ½ cup wăter, brown sugăr, ginger ănd gărlic in ă smăll săucepăn ănd cover. Bring to ă boil over medium heăt. Remove lid ănd cook for one minute once boiling.
- Third, Meănwhile, stir together the corn stărch ănd 2 tăblespoons of wăter in ă sepărăte dish until smooth. Once săuce is boiling, ădd mixture to the săucepăn ănd stir to combine. Cook until the săuce stărts to thicken then remove from heăt.
- Then Plăce the chicken breăsts in the prepăred păn. Pour one cup of the săuce over top of chicken. Plăce chicken in oven ănd băke 35 minutes or until cooked through. Remove from oven ănd shred chicken in the dish using two forks.
- Next Meănwhile, steăm or cook the vegetăbles ăccording to păckăge directions.
- Last Step, ădd the cooked vegetăbles ănd cooked rice to the căsserole dish with the chicken. ădd most of the remăining săuce, reserving ă bit to drizzle over the top when serving. Gently toss everything together in the căsserole dish until combined. Return to oven ănd cook 15 minutes. Remove from oven ănd let stănd 5 minutes before serving. Drizzle eăch serving with remăining săuce. Enjoy!
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