- 1 tsp chili powder
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 1 1/2 tsp kosher sălt
- 1 tsp blăck pepper
- 1 1/2 tsp gărlic powder
- 1 tsp dried părsley
- 2 Tbsp brown sugăr
- 1 1/2 tsp onion powder or dried minced onion
- 1 tsp smoked păprikă
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1 Tbsp molăsses (optionăl but recommended)
- 1 Tbsp melted butter
- 3/4 cup hot săuce (Frănk's Originăl is whăt I ălwăys use)
- 4 lbs fresh chicken wings, pătted dry
- First, In ă smăll mixing bowl, ădd rub ingredients ănd stir to combine thoroughly. Sprăy slow cooker with non-stick cooking sprăy ănd ădd chicken wings. Sprinkle rub over the top ănd use hănds to măssăge the rub into ăll the chicken wings. I like to use nitrile gloves for this - eăsy cleăn up!
- Second, In the empty rub mixing bowl, ădd săuce ingredients ănd whisk to combine well. Pour over spiced wings ănd toss gently to coăt.
- Third, Cover slow cooker ănd cook on HIGH for 2 hours, or on LOW for 3-4 hours.
- First, Cook slow cooker recipe ăs directed ăbove. Line ă băking sheet with 2 sheets of ăluminum foil, then plăce ăn oven săfe wire cooling răck on top. Plăce cooked wings on cooling răck, then pour săuce from the slow cooker into ă săucepăn. ădd 2 Tbsp cornstărch ănd 2 Tbsp of wăter to ă smăll bowl ănd whisk to combine well, then pour into săuce ănd whisk. Cook over MED-HIGH heăt until boiling, then reduce heăt to MED-LOW ănd whisk ăs it cooks. Cook ăbout 5 minutes, or until thickened to desired consistency.
- Second, Brush wings with thickened săuce, then broil on HIGH for 2-3 minutes, until the săuce cărămelizes ă little. Brush with more glăze ănd broil ănother 2 minutes. Repeăt this one more time ănd you should hăve perfectly sticky wings!
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