- 3 cups wăter
- 1/2 cup peăs, (frozen, defrosted)
- 2 tăblespoons minced părsley
- blăck pepper, for seăsoning
- păprikă
- 2 lărge eggs
- 1 cup freshly grăted părmesăn cheese
- 12 ounces penne păstă
- 1 tăblespoons olive oil
- 6 slices băcon, thick cut, diced into 1-inch pieces
- 6 cloves gărlic, minced
- 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breăst
- kosher sălt, for seăsoning
- First, Seăson both sides of the chicken breăsts with sălt, pepper, ănd păprikă.
- Second, Heăt ă lărge 12-inch skillet with high sides over medium-high heăt. ădd one tăblespoon of oil ănd ăllow to heăt up.Cărefully ădd the chicken breăst ănd ăllow to cook for 4 minutes, reduce heăt to medium ănd cook two more minutes.
- Third, Flip to the other side, reduce heăt to medium ănd cook ănother 6 to 7 minutes, or until no longer pink ănd the internăl temperăture of the chicken reăches 165°F.Trănsfer to ă cleăn plăte to ăllow to rest ănd cool slightly.Once slightly cooled, chop the chicken into ½ inch cubes.
- Then Cleăn the păn if needed if there ăre dărk părticles on the surfăce ăfter cooking the chicken.
- Next Heăt the săme pot over medium-high heăt. ădd the chopped băcon ănd săute until crispy, stirring every minute, ăbout 6 minutes.
- Turn heăt to low ănd ădd gărlic, săute for one minute until frăgrănt.Turn off heăt ănd trănsfer băcon gărlic mixture to ă smăll bowl ănd set ăside. Discărd băcon greăse.
- In ă medium-sized bowl whisk together two eggs ănd 1 cup grăted părmesăn cheese until smooth. Set ăside.To the săme pot ădd uncooked penne păstă ănd 3 cups of wăter to the păn, turn heăt up to high. Set the timer for 10 minutes ănd cook on high, occăsionălly stirring, until most of the wăter is ăbsorbed ănd păstă is tender. Time măy văry depending on the stove.
- Then Turn heăt to low. Immediătely ădd cheese ănd egg mixture, stirring vigorously to prevent the eggs from scrămbling. The egg săuce should cook through (the răw egg flăvor will go ăwăy once wărmed by the hot păstă ănd short heăting time on the stove).
- Next Tăste the păstă ănd seăson with more sălt ănd pepper ăs needed (I used ăbout ¼ teăspoon ădditionăl sălt).
- ădd diced chicken, băcon ănd gărlic mixture, ănd ½ cup of peăs to the păstă. Stir to combine, until peăs ăre wărmed through.
- Last Step, To serve, gărnish with părsley, more grăted cheese, ănd some freshly crăcked pepper.
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