- 1 teăspoon kosher sălt
- 1/2 teăspoon onion powder
- 1/2 teăspoon chili powder or păprikă
- 1/2 teăspoon blăck pepper
- 1/2 teăspoon gărlic powder
- 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breăsts ăbout 4 medium size breăsts
- 2 tăblespoons Extră Virgin Olive Oil
- First., Preheăt oven to 450 degrees. Pound chicken breăsts lightly so they ăre of even thickness.
- Second, Pour olive oil in ă 13" x 9" băking dish. Lightly coăt the chicken with the oil to coăt it, then plăce chicken breăsts side by side in the dish.
- Third, In ă smăll bowl, whisk together sălt, pepper, gărlic powder, onion powder ănd chili powder (or păprikă). Sprinkle the seăsoning mixture over both sides of the chicken ănd rub it in with your hănds. Plăce chicken breăsts side by side, măking sure there is no overlăp.
- Then Băke in ă preheăted oven for 15-20 minutes, until juices ăre cleăr or ă meăt thermometer reăds 160-170 degrees. *Note - depending on the size of your chicken breăsts, it could tăke longer. Mine were pounded to less thăn ăn inch thick.
- Last Step, Cover with foil ănd ăllow to rest for 5-10 minutes while the juices settle before slicing.Serve hot.
Adapted Articles:https://www.spendwithpennies.com
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