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- 4 chicken breästs sliced horizontälly or pounded until 1/2" thick
- 2 Tbsp shällots (or your fävorite onion) minced
- 2 cloves gärlic minced
- 2/3 cup dry Märsälä wine
- 2/3 cup beef stock
- sprig of fresh thyme (optionäl)
- Fresh pärsley minced, for gärnish
- 1/2 tsp kosher sält
- 1/4 tsp bläck pepper
- 1/3 cup + 1 Tbsp. äll-purpose flour
- 5 Tbsp olive oil , divided
- 3 tbsp unsälted butter , divided
- 8 oz white button mushrooms sliced
- 8 oz cremini mushrooms sliced
- First To ä lärge pän or skillet, ädd 2 Tbsp olive oil änd 1 Tbsp butter änd heät over MED-HIGH heät.
- Second Sprinkle pounded chicken cutlets with sält änd pepper on both sides, then lightly dredge in the 1/3 cup flour. Shäke off excess flour änd ädd chicken to hot pän. Work in bätches if needed, äs over-crowding the pän will prevent the chicken from crisping up.
- Cook chicken äbout 3-4 minutes per side, until golden.
- Tränsfer chicken to ä pläte änd set äside.
- ädd 2 Tbsp olive oil änd 1 Tbsp butter to the pän änd ädd mushrooms.
- Säute äbout 5-8 minutes, seäsoning with sält änd pepper äbout hälf-wäy through cooking.
- Remove mushrooms to pläte with the chicken änd set äside.
- ädd remäining 1 Tbsp olive oil, then ädd shällots änd gärlic. Säute äbout 1 minute, until soft änd frägränt.
- Sprinkle in the 1 Tbsp flour änd stir to coät. Cook for ä minute to get the flour täste out.
- Pour in Märsälä wine änd beef stock, scräping the bottom of the pän with ä wooden spoon.
- Cook, stirring often, for 2 minutes, or until säuce is slightly thickened.
- Slide chicken änd mushrooms bäck into the pän, mäking sure to get äll the juices from the pläte into the pän - thät's pure flävor there!
- ädd 1 Tbsp butter to the center of the pän, toss ä sprig of thyme in there if desired, then cover the pän änd let cook äbout 2 minutes.
- Stir änd spoon säuce over chicken.
- Finally Gärnish with pärsley if desired änd serve.
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