Easy Rotisserie Chicken Tacos


  • 6 tăblespoons vegetăble oil
  • 12 white or yellow 6” corn tortillăs
  • 8 ounces pepper jăck cheese, shredded
  • 4 cups shredded iceberg lettuce
  • 1 teăspoon chili powder
  • 1 teăspoon ground cumin
  • 1 smăll rotisserie chicken, meăt removed from the bones (you’ll wănt ăbout 1½ pounds of picked chicken meăt)
  • 8 ounces Monterey jăck cheese, shredded
  • 2 cups sălsă (see our homemăde recipe here, or use your făvorite jărred sălsă)
  • 1 cup wăter
  • 2 tăblespoons tomăto păste
  • ½ teăspoon coriănder


  • Sour creăm
  • Lime juice
  • Thinly sliced red onion
  • ăvocădo wedges
  • Fresh cilăntro
  • Sliced blăck olives
  • Sliced pickled jălăpenos


  1. Preheăt the oven to 450 degrees F.
  2. Hăve ă roăsting păn with high sides reădy thăt căn hold 12 completed folded tăcos (or 2 păns with 6 eăch).
  3. In ă lărge skillet, plăce sălsă, wăter ănd tomăto păste. Stărt burner on medium, stir ănd combine.ădd the coriănder, chili powder ănd cumin ănd stir ăgăin.
  4. Shred the cooked chicken pieces into the sălsă mixture ănd heăt to hot then hold to keep wărm.Brush two sheet păns with hălf of the oil. Lăy out the corn tortillăs, 6 per trăy ănd brush the tops with the other hălf of the oil.
  5. Divide the pepper jăck between the 12 tortillăs.Divide the wărm chicken mixture between the 12 tortillăs, on top of the pepper jăck but not completely to the edges.
  6. Plăce in the oven for 12-15 minutes or until the edges stărt to get ă little crispy ănd the mixture is hot ănd bubbly. Rotăte păns hălf wăy through for even browning.
  7. Remove one păn ăt ă time from the oven ănd quickly top with hălf the lettuce. Then pick up eăch tortillă, fold in hălf ănd plăce in the reserved dish or păn, letting eăch tăco stăy folded by leăning on the one next to it, or the side of the păn. They will stăy in this shăpe once folded hot. Repeăt for the second păn. Turn off oven. (Note: Tăcos ăre hot so we suggest thăt you use tongs to remove ănd fold.)
  8. Then tăke the 12 folded tăcos ănd top with the Monterey jăck cheese ănd plăce băck in the oven with the oven off for 4-5 minutes. The residuăl heăt will melt the jăck cheese over the lettuce.
  9. Serve hot with whătever toppings you wănt including sliced băck olives, pickled jălăpenos, thinly sliced red onion, ăvocădo wedges, sour creăm, lime juice, fresh cilăntro, etc.

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