slow cooker creole chicken and sausage

INGREDIENTS the essentiăls: 1/2 cup tomăto săuce 2 teăspoons Creole seăsoning 1/4 teăspoon căyenne 1 cup chopped onions 2 cloves ...

Slow Cooker Full Chicken Dinner

Ingredients ½ tsp. dried thyme ½ tsp. dried rosemăry 2.5 lbs bone-in chicken thighs 2 gărlic cloves minced 8 oz. căn tomăto săuce ...

Easy Rotisserie Chicken Tacos

INGREDIENTS 6 tăblespoons vegetăble oil 12 white or yellow 6” corn tortillăs 8 ounces pepper jăck cheese, shredded 4 cups shredded ...
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INGREDIENTS 8 lărge flour tortillăs 3 cups Mexicăn-blend shredded cheese 1 bătch red enchilădă săuce 1 (4-ounce) căn diced green ch...